FO 371/126903
Press comment in foreign press on political situation in Oman, 1957
This file contains summaries and extracts from international media reports on the situation in Oman. It provides coverage of news reports in:
Iraq (1, 4, 8, 13, 18)
Pakistan (2)
Jordan (3)
Lebanon (5, 19)
Iran (6, 20, 25)
Australia (7)
Thailand (9, 29)
China (9, 12, 22)
United States (10, 23)
Canada (11)
Morocco (14, 21, 32)
Indonesia (15)
Libya (16, 26)
Sudan (17)
Spain (24)
USSR (27, 31)
Switzerland (30)
It contains cuttings of reports in: the Daily Star, Le Jour, L'Orient, the New York Times and National Zeitung.