UK policy on future of Muscat and Oman

FO 371/126904 1957

This file contains correspondence relating to:

  • Views of the Political Resident in the Persian Gulf B A B Burrows regarding the future of Oman, including military, administrative and political aspects, along with comments and responses to Burrows' recommendations. It also contains a draft communication to the Sultan of Muscat and Oman Saeed Bin Taimur on these topics (1)
  • Summary of a discussion between Burrows and the Sultan about the future organisation and administration of Oman. It also contains further correspondence with the Foreign Office regarding Burrows' recommendations (2)
  • Further discussion on the future organisation of Oman, with particular attention given to ensuring future stability in the interior. It includes papers on the pacification and settlement of the Iraqi tribes, and on the Kurdish question in Iraq (3)
  • Update on discussions with the Sultan about the future organisation of Oman (4)
  • Perceived need to make clear to the Sultan that he would no longer have the UK's support if he does not take more substantial steps to reform the organisation and administration of Oman (5)
  • Report by the Consul General in Muscat F C L Chauncy of his recent discussion with the Sultan, along with comments and responses to Chauncy's report. It also contains an aide memoire, addressing the prospect of future British assistance to the Sultanate and the question of the Sultanate's political position in the world. It includes a list, with costings, of development proposals, as well as lists of the Sultanate's income, expenditure and reserves (6)
  • Further note by Chauncy on his discussions with the Sultan, emphasising that he had made clear to the Sultan his responsibility for leading the effort and bearing the costs for improvements in Oman (7)
  • Paper prepared by Burrows on the reorganisation and development of Oman, along with a detailed covering letter and comments and responses to the report (8)
  • Further copies of Burrows' report (9)
  • Enquiry regarding the amount of pressure it will be possible to place on the Sultan regarding future plans for Oman, in light of the strategic importance of military facilities in Oman used by Britain (10)
  • Update on the ongoing discussions regarding the future of Oman, and further suggestions and observations (11-12)
  • Discussion between H Beeley, of the Foreign Office, and William Lindsay, the former Chief Justice of the Sudan, who has recently met with the Sultan (13)
  • Paper prepared by Beeley on the future of Muscat and Oman (14)
  • Chauncy's response to Lindsay's comments about the Sultan (15)