Internal political situation in Bahrain
FO 371/126896 1957Description
This file contains correspondence relating to:
- Criticisms made by the advisor to the Ruler of Bahrain Charles Belgrave about the policy of HMG in Bahrain and the actions of the Political Residency (54)
- Extract from 'House of Commons Debates', providing an account of the debate on Bahraini Prisoners in St Helena, on 7 March 1957. It also contains details of an answer provided to a parliamentary question, asked by W N Warbey, on 18 March, regarding British involvement in Bahrain (39)
- Correspondence regarding complaints from relatives of three of the detainees on St Helena that they have received no replies to letters sent to them. The relatives have also reported rumours that these three detainees are ill and soon to be transferred elsewhere (40)
- Extracts from articles and letters published in the Lebanese magazine Al Ahad on 17 February 1957. It also contains a notice from the Government of Bahrain, dated 7 February 1957, informing of their plan to lease Sheikh Hamad Bridge (41)
- Documents relating to the arrest, trial and sentencing of the Bahrain detainees, including: a summary of the proceedings against the five members of the Committee of National Union before a special tribunal; personal papers belonging to the detainees; public proclamations produced by the Committee of National Union; and cuttings of newspaper articles about the riots in Bahrain. It also contains correspondence on whether the Bahrain Government will publish the proceedings against the five members of the Committee of National Union (42)
- Requests for the forwarding of letters from the families of three of the Bahraini detainees on St Helena (43)
- Answers to parliamentary questions asked by Warbey, regarding British involvement in Bahrain (44-45, 51)
- Letter from D M H Riches to B A B Burrows, asking for his views on a letter from Charles Belgrave sent to Frederick Gough MP, regarding Belgrave's resignation as advisor to the Ruler of Bahrain (46)
- Text of a Cairo Radio broadcast on the career of one of the Bahraini detainees on St Helena, taken from the 21 March 1957 edition of the BBC Summary of World Broadcasts (48)
- Enquiry from the Governor of St Helena regarding the recovery of expenses incurred in the detention of the three Bahraini prisoners (49)
- Texts of Voice of the Arabs broadcasts about Bahrain (52)
- 'Bahrain Letter', produced by the Public Relations department of the Government of Bahrain, reporting on a campaign to encourage more Bahraini blood donors (53)
- Excerpts from a Voice of the Arabs broadcast containing an interview with Miss Badriya Khitan, who is said to have led the demonstrations in Bahrain (55)
- Report that Charles Belgrave is to return to the UK for medical treatment (56)
- Extract from a Voice of the Arabs broadcast reporting on the recent appeal for blood donors in Bahrain (57)
- Discussions regarding the report by J R Cummins about the Government of Bahrain and whether more pressure should be placed on the Ruler of Bahrain to put the report into effect (58)
- Question of whether it should be allowed for the Bahraini prisoners on St Helena to be sent small sums of money from relatives, and the objection of the prisoners themselves to this proposal (59)