Internal political situation in Bahrain
FO 371/126897 1957Description
This file contains:
- 'Report of an inquiry into the working of the system of government in Bahrain and the structure of the Bahrain civil service, 1957, part 1' by J R Cummins, along with notes and responses to the report (60)
- Comments on the Ruler of Bahrain Sheikh Salman Bin Hamad Al Khalifa's views on British policy (61)
- Correspondence regarding the illness of Charles Belgrave and the question of if he will return to Bahrain and whether a replacement should be appointed (62, 70, 72-73, 81)
- Correspondence regarding the question of the censorship of the telegrams sent by the Bahraini prisoners on St Helena (63)
- Correspondence regarding the reimbursement of costs incurred in the detention of the Bahraini prisoners on St Helena. It is agreed that, on a notification of debit, the Bahrain Government will arrange with Eastern Bank in London to pay to the Crown Agents whatever is due to the Government of St Helena (64)
- Correspondence regarding claims for compensation for damage suffered during the riots in Bahrain (65, 77, 82)
- Two 'Bahrain Letters', produced by the Public Relations department of the Government of Bahrain. One reports on the Muharraq Water Supply Scheme and the other on the fifteenth anniversary of the accession of the Ruler of Bahrain (66)
- Report of an appeal by the three Bahraini prisoners in St Helena to the Ruler of Bahrain (67)
- Correspondence regarding the deterioration of government transport caused by frequent use of the steep, rough road to Munden's Point, where the Bahraini prisoners are being held on St Helena (68)
- Summary of a discussion between J R Cummins and D M H Riches, regarding some of the recommendations in Cummins' report (69)
- Despatch, by C A Gault, Political Agent in Bahrain, reporting on political and constitutional developments in Bahrain since January, along with notes and responses to the despatch (71)
- Correspondence regarding some of the suggestions in part 1 of Cummins' report (74)
- Correspondence regarding the adjustment of salary scales for the Bahrain civil service suggested by Cummins in his report (75, 78)
- Details of updated arrangements for the provision for the Bahraini prisoners in St Helena (76)
- Summaries of and extracts from Voice of the Arabs broadcasts concerning Bahrain taken from BBC Summary of World Broadcasts (80)
- 'Notes on Bahrain' produced by the British Embassy in Tehran and providing information on the history, politics and economy of Bahrain, along with comments and responses (83)
- Despatch regarding the announcement of the Government of Bahrain that municipal elections will be held shortly. It includes: the text of the Ruler of Bahrain's announcement; the text of a speech given by the Ruler; and responses to the announcement (84)