Internal political situation in Kuwait

FO 371/126899 1957

This file contains correspondence relating to:

  • Note on the situation in Kuwait in the period up until the end of 1956, including the oil well explosions on 10 December (1)
  • Translation of a manifesto issued by the Committee of the Kuwaiti Clubs, asking for support for their campaign for the assistance of the people of Jordan and the translation of Decree No 1 of 1957, concerning budget and expenditure arrangements for Kuwaiti Government departments (2)
  • Despatch by the Political Agent in Kuwait G W Bell analysing the various political figures and movements in Kuwait and anticipating future areas of struggle. It also contains a translation of a pamphlet, produced by the Committee of Clubs, attacking the Kuwait Oil Company (KOC) (3)
  • Situation report for Kuwait for the period 7-14 January (5)
  • Report on the reorganisation of Kuwaiti Government departments (6)
  • Account of a discussion by four Kuwaiti students, broadcast on Voice of the Arabs. It is taken from BBC Summary of World Broadcasts (8)
  • Increase in the number of Jordanians working for the Kuwaiti Government and their influence in increasing anti-British feeling (9)
  • Translation of a Voice of the Arabs broadcast on Kuwait (10)
  • Translation of an article about Kuwait from the Egyptian weekly Sabah al Khair (11)
  • Report of an incident involving a clash between the security forces and a remote branch of the Ruling Family, along with discussion of media reports of the incident and of whether it will have international ramifications. It includes a cutting of an article from The Times, entitled 'All quiet after clash in Kuwait', dated 20 May 1957 (12-14, 16-17)
  • Summary of events in Kuwait from 1-12 May, including details of a school sports gala (15)
  • Summary of a discussion between D M H Riches and Managing Director of the KOC Mr Southwell about affairs in Kuwait (18)
  • Situation of Sheikh Abdulla Al Khaza'al, who wishes to return to the leadership of his tribes in Khuzistan [Khuzestan] (19)
  • Summary of a discussion between B A B Burrows and the Kuwait Government Director of Education Abdul Aziz Hussein, regarding the demands for reform from younger Kuwaitis, in particular for a free press and the establishment of an elected council (20)
  • Report by the newly-arrived Political Agent in Kuwait A S Halford of his first impressions of Kuwait and conversations he had in Iraq regarding Iraq-Kuwait relations (21)
  • Extract from an article entitled 'My country is the country of all Arabs' by a Kuwaiti writer and published in the Lebanese magazine Al Ahad (22)
  • Reports of a planned meeting to celebrate the anniversary of the Suez Crisis and the need for effective security measures (23)
  • Reports of a meeting held to mark the anniversary of the arrest of five Algerian nationalist leaders (24)