Press comment in foreign press on political situation in Oman
FO 371/126903 1957Description
This file contains summaries and extracts from international media reports on the situation in Oman. It provides coverage of news reports in:
- Iraq (1, 4, 8, 13, 18)
- Pakistan (2)
- Jordan (3)
- Lebanon (5, 19)
- Iran (6, 20, 25)
- Australia (7)
- Thailand (9, 29)
- China (9, 12, 22)
- United States (10, 23)
- Canada (11)
- Morocco (14, 21, 32)
- Indonesia (15)
- Libya (16, 26)
- Sudan (17)
- Spain (24)
- USSR (27, 31)
- Switzerland (30)
- It contains cuttings of reports in: the Daily Star, Le Jour, L'Orient, the New York Times and National Zeitung. It also contains discussion of a proposal to allow a visit to Oman by selected Middle Eastern journalists, in order to try to counter the bad press coverage being received (20)
- It also contains details of steps taken to counter attacks in Thailand against the UK's actions in Oman (29)