Internal political situation in Bahrain
FO 371/126895 1957Description
This file contains:
- Answers to parliamentary questions asked by W N Warbey, regarding the deportation of prisoners from Bahrain to St Helena. It includes correspondence and material gathered during the preparation of these answers (18, 20-23, 27, 32, 33, 34, 37)
- Correspondence regarding the need for details of controversial articles and parliamentary questions to be sent quickly to the Political Residency in Bahrain, so that they can be dealt with more effectively (19)
- Correspondence regarding the nature of the treatment the Bahraini prisoners in St Helena should receive (24)
- Extracts from an article about the internal affairs of Bahrain, published in the Lebanese magazine Al Ahad (25)
- Documents relating to the arrest, trial and sentencing of the Bahrain detainees, including: a summary of the proceedings against the five members of the Committee of National Union before a special tribunal; personal papers belonging to the detainees; public proclamations produced by the Committee of National Union; and cuttings of newspaper articles about the riots in Bahrain. It also includes comments on and responses to this material (26)
- Correspondence regarding mail sent to the Bahraini detainees in St Helena, which in future will be sent directly from the Political Agent in Bahrain to the Governor of St Helena (29)
- Report by the Political Agent in Bahrain C A Gault on the visit of J R Cummins to examine the administrative machinery of the Bahrain Government and suggest improvements, along with a response from D M H Riches (30)
- Comments by the Political Resident in the Persian Gulf B A B Burrows on some of the recommendations made by Cummins during his recent visit (31)
- 'Bahrain Letter', produced by the Public Relations Department of the Government of Bahrain, announcing the appointment of new members to the Health and Education Councils (35)
- 'Government of Bahrain - Annual Report for Year 1955' (36)
- Correspondence and notes for the adjournment debate, of 7 March, about the transfer of prisoners from Bahrain to St Helena (37)