Political relations between Muscat and Oman and UK
FO 371/126919 1957Description
This file contains correspondence relating to:
- Suggestion by St John Armitage, who established the Dhofar Force, that the Sultan of Muscat and Oman Saeed Bin Taimur should be provided with a team of British officials to advise him (1)
- Meeting between D M H Riches and the Minister for Foreign Affairs to the Sultan Neil Innes, who is planning to resign from his position (2)
- Request from Innes for a further meeting with Riches (3)
- Various papers, memorandums and letters discussing Britain's relationship with Oman and future changes that should take place in the administration of the country, focusing in particular on military reforms (4)
- Paper produced by the Research Department providing a list of instances when British military assistance was provided for Muscat and Oman at the Sultan's request, up to 1939 (5)
- Letter from Hornchurch Constituency Labour Party, requesting a review of HMG's agreements with the Sultan and other Gulf Rulers (6)
- Possibility, if the Sultan does not visit the UK this year, of a minister instead coming to Muscat to discuss the reform of the Sultan's policy and administration (7)
- Expression of interest from Eric Evans in replacing Innes as the Sultan's Minister for Foreign Affairs when the latter leaves his post, and the question of whether the vacancy should be filled by a Muscati (8)
- Plans for sending a ministerial delegation to the Sultan in order to negotiate with him the necessary measures he should adopt in return for continued British support (9)
- Further discussions about the planned ministerial visit, and the hope that the announcement of such a visit will persuade the Sultan to go to the UK for discussions. The questions are also raised of the need to ensure continued British use of Omani airfields and of whether guarantees regarding oil concessions should be sought (10)
- Assessment of the potential advantages and disadvantages of withdrawing British support for the Sultanate and suggestions for improving the Sultan's Armed Forces (11)
- Preparation of a directive for the Minister who is to go to Muscat for negotiations with the Sultan (12)
- Draft memorandum setting out the terms of a possible agreement with the Sultan, to form the basis of an eventual exchange of letters, along with comments and amendments to the draft (14)