FO 371/114583
Situation among tribes and sheiks of Muscat and Oman; involvement of Arab League in affairs of Oman; Saudi Arabian threat and gun running; operations against Imam of Oman's headquarters at Nizwa, 1955
This file contains correspondence relating to:
Britain’s preference that a military operation against Nizwa should be undertaken as soon as possible and that the Trucial Oman Levies should be ready to assist (136)
Discussions in the Arab League about the Imam of Oman, Ghalib Al Hina'i's membership application and related Arab press reports (137)
Outline of the plan for military action against Nizwa by the Muscat and Oman Field Force (138, 141)
Saudi report that Britain was urging the Sultan of Muscat and Oman, Saeed Bin Taimur, to attack (140)
Political and publicity background t