Situation among tribes and sheiks of Muscat and Oman; involvement of Arab League in affairs of Oman; Saudi Arabian threat and gun running; operations against Imam of Oman's headquarters at Nizwa

FO 371/114581 1955

This file contains correspondence relating to:

  • Saudi Arabian protests against the collection of zakat in the quarters of the Balushi tribe (81)
  • The Sultan of Muscat and Oman Saeed Bin Taimur's request for a list of questions which he would be asked at a BBC interview (82)
  • Report of a gun attack on taxi cabs sent to fetch Sulaiman Bin Himyar (83)
  • Indication from Sulaiman Bin Himyar that he is willing to depose the Imam of Oman Ghalib Al Hina'i in return for recognition as Ruler under sovereignty of the Sultan (84)
  • Report that rifles are being handed over by the Wali of Boshar not the Sheikh of Khodh Mubarak Bin Amair. The Muscat Government gives Sheikh Mubarak an ultimatum and the matter is resolved (85-7, 89)
  • Sulaiman Bin Himyar's assurance that he is an ally of the Sultan and wants to restore relations (88-89)
  • F C L Chauncy's belief that the Sultan could agree deals with tribal leaders across the whole country and that propaganda from Cairo Radio is backfiring in Oman (90)
  • Inspection of the recovered arms and the suggestion that the Royal Navy inspect ships under the Arms Convention (91)
  • Incident at Sunaina where 3 Beni Ali tribesmen shot a member of the Al Bu Shamsi tribe (93)
  • Two papers handed to King Hussein of Jordan about the Buraimi dispute and the situation in Muscat and Oman (94)
  • Discussion between Burrows and the Sultan about the question of further dealings with Sulaiman Bin Himyar and the possibility of approaches from the Imam of Oman (95)
  • Arrival of the Beni Qittab [Beni Qitab] in Ibri to declare themselves subjects of the Sultan (96, 103)
  • Idea that the Muscat and Oman Field Force post be moved from Sunaina to Qabil (97, 100, 102)
  • Suggested outline from the BBC for the Sultan's broadcast to be included in a 'profile' programme (98)
  • Memorandum handed to the Secretary-General of the Arab League providing background information on the dispute between the Sultan and the Imam of Oman (99)
  • Arab press reports in Al Ahram and Al Akhbar on the Imam of Oman's application to join the Arab League (101)
  • Draft note for possible communication to the Arab League from the Sultan of Oman (104)
  • Possible visit of a local representative of the Iraq Petroleum Company to Baghdad to provide a brief on recent developments in Oman (105)
  • Discussion of the options open to the Sultan for securing the support of the interior against the Imam of Oman (106)