Provisional Extradition Agreement between Turkey and Iraq p.6

FO 624/50 1931


By the Ministry of Justice. 21. In virtue of the authority vested in me under Section 3 of the Disposition of the Immovable Property Proclamation, dated 28th February, 1921, I hereby notify that after 1st August, 1926. Hujjas of Gift, compromise, Takharuj and endowment of immovable property issued previous to the said Proclamation and after 30th March, 1329, will not be accepted by the Tapu Office for registration unless confirmed by the parties concerned.
The notice previously issued in this respect in Al-Waqayi Al-Araqiyah, No. 311, dated 25th Hine, 1325, is hereby cancelled.
22. The following procedure will be observed in the event of it being desired to procure from any foreign country the extradition of a fugitive offender.
It is essential that the provisions of the first 4 Sections should be strictly complied with in order to avoid reference back and other delays.
1. In the case of an offender who has been sentenced by an 'Iraq Court and has escaped before serving his sentence or a part thereof, the police will obtain the following documents from the Court which sentenced the offender.
(a) Copy of the judgment sealed with the Court seal.
(6) Warrant of arrest sealed with the Court seal.
2. In Ine case of an offender who has fled from "Iraq before trial, the police will apply to the Court of the Liwa in which the offence was committed, and will obtain the following documents:
(a) Copy of the evidence supporting the complaint sealed with the Court seal. (6) Warrant of arrest sealed with the Court seal and specifying the articles of the
Penal Code under which accused is to be charged. 3. The documents obtained from the Court will be forwarded by the police to the Minis try of Justice, together with the following documents: (a) A statement containing, as fully as possible, a description of the fugitive, particu
lars as to his movements and such other information as may be likely to facilitate
his arrest. (b) An exact copy of the articles of the Penal Code under which the fugitive has been
sentenced or will be charged. (c) In the case of an offender who has been sentenced, a certificate from the prisons
authorities setting out that the whole or part of the sentence remains to be served. 4. All documents should be accompanied by an English translation.
5. The Ministry of Justice will be responsible for further action in regard to the com munication of the request for the extradition to the foreign country concerned, through the proper channel.
Such reauest will not be made if the offence is not extraditable by the arrangements made with the foreign country concerned or if for other reason it is considered desirable not to make the request. In cases of doubt, therefore, the police should address an enquiry to the Ministry of Justice before embarking on the extradition procedure.
6. On being informed by the Ministry of Justice that a fugitive has been arrested and will be handed over to the 'Iraq Government, the police will make such arrangements as may be necessary for receiving the fugitive into custody at the frontier or at such other place as may be arranged with the police of the foreign country concerned.
7. The police will be responsible for the production, before the foreign Courts, of such other evidence as may be required and demanded through the usual channel.
8. The instructions heretofore issued regarding the extradition of offenders from India are hereby canceiled.
