Confidential. x 1 Mo: 0 9595 / ADMINISTRATIVE INSPECTOR, MO SUL LIWA. Dated the 6th August 1926. To The Adviser to the Ministry of Interior, 399070 BAGHDAD (CE (2 copies). 9-$24 Memc randum Reference the "Neighbourly relations clauses in the Treaty and the Frontier Zone" and particularly article 9. Conundan The follong conndra have occurred to me; the R Mutasarrif is also writing about them. 1. I presume that neither side has the right to raise the question of crimes committed in either frontier zone before the ratification of the Treaty, but suppose the criminado takee refuge in tapposite frontier zone after the ratification of the Treaty, is he liable to extradition ? Pelech Again suppose the criminal had taken refuge in the opposite zone before the ratification of the treaty, and after the ratification raided over the frontier and again retired to the opposite zone, is he liable to extradition according to artície 9 ? If so, he can pre suma bly be tried in 1 addition for his crimes committed before the ratification 2. With regard to the zone. How would the following cases be dealt with : . The author of a crime in tiae frontier zone. flees over the frontier but contrives to pass right through the frontier zone, and takes refuge more than seventy five kilomtres from the frontier. b. The author of a crime in the interior of either country i.e.further than seventy five kilometres from the frontier takes refuge in the frontier zone of the opposite country. Presumably article 16 does not include other than 310116 persons residing in Iraq at the time of the treaty ? gen ADMINISTRATIVE INSPECTOR,MOSUL. Copy to: The Secy to Rhe High@ommissioner,