Provisional Extradition Agreement between Turkey and Iraq p.5

FO 624/50 1931
original on $11o 13/4 III y copy on 27/22/25


Copy of telegram NO. 3.3441 dated the 28.7.26 from 1.1. mosul


. . . .

In pursuance of Art.IX of the Treaty, should the Mutassarif
? instruct the Cueimagens to arrest Yagab ? I presume all his crimes in Turkey were comitte3 before exchange of ratifications, though he entered 'Irag subsequeatly. Feference is to my telegram of yesterday No.3397
p.67 of file 13/4 III

Note by H. E. the High Commissioner on A.1.Mosul's telegram No.
3421 dated 28 th. July 1926

Artivle 9 must be read with article 8. The competent Turkish Authorit ies should inform the competent Irag authorities of any acts of pillage etc. committed in their territoryí by persons likely to cross the frontier). The Irag authorities shouli then try to prevent the perpet

and if they cannot,

rators from crossing the frontier into 'Irag

should arrest them and hold them anier arrest until they can be

extradited according to law.

In this case the Turkish

authorities have it seems sent

no énformation aboutYaqub Agha and his doings to the 'Irao



authorities, who are not officially cognisant og his having committed any crime in Turkey, Therefore all that they need do for the present is to remove hin from the frontier in the interest of general peace and neighbourliness. The case should be noted hopper for discussion and settlement by the permanent frontier commission
Put the foregoing to Interior end ask them if they concur to Instruct the A.I. accordingly.




In, H.D.

In. V.H. 29.7.26

Action taken as above gee 8.0. 1702 dated the 30th, July 1926 (on page 74 of file 13/4 III) to Interior.