Court, 1927) and we should ascertain whether this has been repealed. Muscat. As in the case of Bahrein and Kuwait, Judge Haines' list contains no reference to Regulation No. 2 of 1927 (the Muscat Rules of Court, 1927) and we must find out whether it has been repealed. QA Library please prosto-copies of these-Rett tiota? ह you 1x Liban. The attached collection of Regulations dees not contain copies of those listed by Judge Hames for the years 1903 to 1914. Can Kibar please produs copiis g h se Res plaliens ? The comments made by Judge Haines of Bahrein Regulation No. 2 of 1925, would seem to apply also to Muscat Regulation No. 2 of 1925. General Many of the Regulations contain references to Orders in Council which have now been repealed and I suggest that these references should be converted into references to the current Orders. This will be essential if any changes are made in the application of any of the Orders as regards the subjects of other Persian Gulf States, as propored in qudge Haines' Repad on the Orders in cancit. o Evan rede count and to the districh (W.V.J. Evans) 2nd February, 1950. gutge dins. Bahreni No 2 of 1927 is a 7 hot a Knigs Regulation. It has not been lepealed heat should be when we have one new rules 7 court tried Nol of 1938. The reference Court is to the court set up of the Bahrein Government and not to our count. Possibly the KR heels amendment There is a suinlar reference is a destruch Court un No 1 of 437. Not of 1947 aque that undeserable to que the Political agent there powers and I suggest if is innecessary и Possubly it was given to enable such order the made frgently in the absence of the resident or it may be that the KB, was draftis when thi Resevenen l was still at Bushire and the was desures provide for quick action. Kuwait 7 and nol kung Regs. That is why I omitted it. See remanis under Bahnans Las in case of Kuwait Bahram Nos 74627 case ماه is frit 1 he decedence more las Spaus on 1946 ruber Count No2 of 1927 - her their Muscar (No2 of 1927 9192459 I agree, NO2 Einstansies Me Engaun (CH.HAINES 3rd February 1950 'w WBE 2/3,