Minutes the I I attach copies oface Muscat Regulations from 1903 to 1914 with with the exception of No 1 of 190r which have been emance to trace. Ilrouch Der Einhen J. O. ILFE 7/3650 I agree Nothing to be Written in this Margin. auth of the will gudse Haines recommendationi on the suscat Kings Regulation 1903-1914 excepo Bał in vieis of Bola 44 Muscal Oscles in – Council Bink at heard Rules2-7 shape of Regulation Nou of 1911 could had be repeated. We new at await the comments of the Politicail Resident & of the Political Scents on gudse Haines recommendationi. We Evane quale gaines Earlin st. (We might ash suecat d send us copy of Res Nor of 1904 - Bab i unlun qulse Hained hou a capry). 2 I aque. I am appais I left my copy of N017 I I 1904 in Bahrain will the others Games $73