E EASTERN DEPARTMENT EA 164371 1950 ARABIA From. Jadge laines to Sir E. Beckett Noves and recommendations by Judge Haines on the King Regulations made under the P.G. Orders in Council, some of which should now 었 be repealed Dated. Il dan Reed 12 Jan 1950 Last Paper (Minutes) fee within ff15 4210tala 1948) Ihr Even thered Reniene). Sen . Cheich References To Hannes Lue H. eft I have been through Judse Haines' proposals with the King's Regulations contained in the attached collection ani so far as these Regu lations go, I am in general agreement with him, subject to the following few comments: (Print) 82 1.40 (How disposed of) D(4) Residency Bahrain Det Bahrein Judge H ines' list of Bahrein Regulations omits No. 2 of 1927, (B hrein Rules of Court), in the attached collection. HS this been repealed? from € Dept 130 March March Several international conventions have been made on the subject of drugs, subsequent to those mentioned in Regulation No. 1 of 1931 and we should consider whether the Regulation requires any amendment in the light of them. hi on Orders i concil Regulation No. 1 of 1938 contains a reference to the "District Court" which will have to be amended, if the proposals in Judge Hines Reporth for the establishment of a new system of Courts are put into effect. 14 17 (Action completed) (Index) Regulation No. 1 of 1947 provides for legis lation by the Political Resident by means of order in writing and it lso gives the Political Agent the same powers as the political Resident in this respect. I guestion whether it is desirable to have a category of subord inate legislation inferior to King's Regulations and I doubt whether, under the Order in Council it is competent for the Political Resident to delegate legislative powers to the Political Agent. We should have the views of Sir Eric Beckett and Judge Haines on these points. 3ь 30l6 اند و Next Paper Kuwait. Judge Haines' list contains no reference to Regulation No. 2 of 1927, (the Kuwait Rules of Court