- 2 - The words "customs premises" means (111 piers, wharves, stores, buildings, enclosures or shore which are under the control of the Director for customs purposes. The words "foreigh goods" mean goods which are imported from outside Bahrain. holiday (14) The word "holiday means 3.0 No one stall import or expal any of the Prohibited and Contraband Goods. Archibi id goods specified on Schoolul 5./2) Besides goods for the time being prohibited, which A of hair Ordinances are specified in Schedule "A" of this Ordinance, the Prosibile following goods shall be contraband: Vafa) Foreign goods which are not shown on the in agrit of the Ordinance ebrit an. houves e manifest of the vessel bringing them to Bahrain which it is onment attempted to import into Bahrain. (c)661 Goods found on persons or in the baggage of travellers or hidden in the packages of travellers under circumstances which raise a presumption of an intention to avoid payment of duties as she neid W mi best them or export them andere, put INSET (d)fo) All goods removed from the customs premises without the proper carstens dates and charged er millone permission of the customs authorities, ce(a) All goods found near the customs premises under such circumstances as to raise the presumption that they have been or are intended to be exported or imported vi th out completion of all requisite customs formalities. All goods imported or exported or attempted to be accepta a Doce 20,0 imported or exported otherwise than through the customs the faqat sense sale cheap without payment of duty or compliance with cus toms for malities. All contraband goods may be seized wherever found and are liable to confiscation. Gle) New line salject to the proviètcov od Levy and Exemption from Cus toms Duties. 4. Dulindle Scouts (and chanes at the rates set out The customs duties specified in schedule "B" of specified in the said schedule and this Ordinance shall be collected on all goods imported into Bahrain or exported from Bahrain (and on goods which in Bahrein are transhipped OV 70