Political Residents safe 1369 (1948) THE BAHRAIN CUSTOMS ORDINANCE OF 1387 1948). re An Ordinance for the regulation of the collection goods of customs duties on merchandise imported into and exported out of the State of Bahrain, PRELIMINARY. 1. Skal Fille. 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Customs Ordinance of 13677349. 2. Definitions. In this Ordinance : o The word "import" means to bring or cause to be brought into Bahrain. The word "export" means to take out or cause to be taken out of Bahrain. The word "vessel" includes every ship, boat, raft, ancofa launch or other thing made for the tonveyance by water EX of goods or human beings. aume or by an The word "goods" includes animals and every kind of merchandise and produce. The words " dutiable goods" mean goods upon which the Government of Bahrain levies customs duties. The word "master" means a person having command of a vessel or aircraft. The word Director" means the Director of Customs and every person for the time being exercising that office, The word "month" means a month according to the Hejira calendar. The word "prescribed" means matters announced by public proclamation (Ahlan) by the Government of Bahrain under the seal of His Highness the Shaikh of Bahrain. 2/ --