- 3 8 5. Goods Exempt from duties, shall be The following goods are exempt from payment of import or export duties: (a) Printed books, pamphlets, magazines and newspapers. (b) Gold or silver bullion or gold and silver money. (c) Samples, provided that they are not such as can be sold as merchandise. (a) Undrilled pearls, the produce of the Persian Gulf. (o) Goods which have been wrecked, provided that they are not consigned to Bahrain or used or sold in Bahrain. (1) Implements, instruments and tools of trade, occupation or employment, provided that theyarticles are not for sale by a ha vetter for his and are imported or exported for the personal use of the passenger. haveller (8) Personal baggage of a passenger including apparel, new or worn, toilet articles, jewellry compatible with the status of the traveller, brought in personal luggage and intended for personal use. Bona fide personal luggage raveller imported within 90 days after the arrival of the passenger will, at the discretion of the Director be subject to the INSE 1 same exemptions as the personal baggage which accompanies the traveller. (h) The following articles of persons who have come to Bahrain for the first time for the purpose of establishing a residence in Bahrain shall be exempt from import duties: Used personal effects. Used household effects including furnisure, linen and utensils. Clothing, even if new. Jewellry. Silver and played goods. (i) Cigarettes, not exceeding 100 in number, cigars, not exceeding 50 in number and tobacco, not exceeding one half pound in weight, in boxes or containers which have been opened, shall be exempt from import duty if they are in a traveller the personal baggage of the passenger. 4/--- 7!