Eut E (164/3/48) PERSIAN GULF RESIDENCY 13993 BAHRAIN the 21st October, 1948 Dear Stewart Nor enclosed Please refer to Donaldson's letter Ext. 2182/47 Attached of the 3rd November, 1947, a copy of which I forward for ready reference regarding the Bahrain Government's Customs Rules and Regulations. 2. I forward herewith another draft "Bahrain Customs Ordinance", in thedrawing up of which Donaldson's criticisms have een taken into consideration, and should be grateful if you will kindly let me know as soon as you conveniently can, whether anyobjection is seen to its being applied in toto by a King's Regulation to persons subject to the Bahrain Order in-Council. 3. Pelly has commented on the draft - "It does admitted.y give the Director of Customs fairly severe powers and I think that when informing the Bahrain Government we are applying it we should at the same time state "it is understood" that the Director of Customs will remain an European appointed with the approval of His Majesty's Government. I do not think the 4 provision for an appeal to the Political Agent is adequate protection by itself for people subject to our jurisdiction." If there is no objection I propose to approve of this proposal. 4. The only point which has occurred to me in examining the Ordinance, is that it appears to contain no specific provisions relating to aircraft. I am calling Pelly's attention to this and will, if necessary, address you further. cu ( llace Major A.C. Stewart, 0.B.E., Foreign Office, LONDON, S.W.1