Number of copies........ Number of copiesof enclosures. High Commissioned staff write continue toauthorize indre le for me Gorte y me compound of Solin Arabia tostateo of me Frawatimim port ames and ammunition. CmCoruslimster mo mat me Crown Agarh privity indus.smd him copico y au miera fotuttingapparently nic High Commissima'Officedao n .. ). Ao Dai éo 7 22 ta. from Brihuh availadleammunition is not Agents with continue losouvero me coonaraw fum Parkw Hale GmbH in urecircumstances we co nmed hhe vo r.reply to Bonn mi me renus of me attached war Telegram 2. Begine cooning Wis draft Za naywish to au nie jope at B1195/4 G (act.achod) Mr. Posnete mus me encue he nowraised this issue müüma Co Cand I haveure done so mi ny rezul comuns alines wieMo. Cornelius). 9 com vions Cowiose wi you ninuke A 21 April Wien wecan i amik mpory ro Bonin as he coask. U howarw ym now fore wat me Shmed endeavor to curtail lis trafficme Bonn rezurac Hasion, imea be a coveriml pig anwerch to hang me achine suggestid ni 4 19paragraph 8 p m. Mc Cariny's lettu March. Mamecky Gentral Asph (mm Massim)