TO TRAVEL BY LOCKED BOX ONLY (Security Grading—to be Up-graded where Appropriate) CONFIDENTIA ARABIAN DEPARTMENT 100 GENERAL 1195/2FROM SUBJECT: Ammunition for Aden:SIR. F. RoeSIR. F. ROBERTS ( Boww) a Siim have ecplained chat ammunition is incênded you various y membon Sheikdano in Ader Protectorate whose orces are said to be financed by H.M.G.No. 306Dated 16 MarchEncloses Copy of : References and Relevant Papers : Received 18 March y Born TEL No sio (Outward Action 519 1873 B 1195/4 GB 1192/1766) MINUTES Yt)J... Jayla (Bonn) chom R.N. Aosnett8) D.J. Mecancy (aden) 33138) Miso J. E. Stevens (BoT) 23/38) J. LANFERR (C.o.) 23/3. |pwell.!?Miss Slovens 8.0, 7.'DA) Bonn 1025.3 ! Enna Sept 1 Mondo) اتلتين ,مخلفCom).ها ( (كتایمبو ندا (۲۷)، 0 .1 Þwo Jiv 8 mis stuwens. B.T. A) D.N. Royce, Bonn do R. N.Po snett, 11286.51/ Ift) bowwissg 2318YTCU) 24/8 (Printing Instructions) 179768 B) Siv F. Roberts, Bonn, 882, 11 august. Cleaza un co Cm. Cornelius) andGrmoval Depo (mw. Maroto). Tre diopatched (Referred to Legal Adviser) (Actioncompleted) (Main Indexed) MG A 309 (318 o Su F. Roberts, Bonn, 904, M4 August. thave discussed his with me co cm. Comolino* 231). He says wat for me festtasle futur me