3 3 157 Bagdad, 23oveuber, 1932. with reference to your selonayla contabia letter No. 460 or the lat o retrag last, in which your Scellenou as ou for a futher explantion of the views of sajesty's Government regarding the netdance of cost os the fact2ies dezt within the last sentence of biele of the treaty on the oth of June, 2030. I have discosed the matsen in London, and am 2. wuthorised to reply that is ajesty's Government in the United Kingdom would be prepared to Indoney the trag Government against any additional expenditudo necessarily incurred by them in the ovision of the sai11ties mentioned in Attole, but would not expect to be wiced to pay, in respect of the movement or accommodation of troops, sates liigher than those charged in reapect of the movemont or accommodation of the forces of the 'Iragl dovesznent, nor would mis Majesty's Government expect to be asked to pay for the use of existing facilities when the use of auch facilities by the Episah Corces would involve the peo dovodent in no oddstionat penditures trust that your colloney find this explanation entistaator (Sgd.) F. H. Humphrys. KLICY NORI PARA AD AD ... D..