to 24 MAY 1945 E3 3 44/25 WITH THE COMPLIMENTS OF THE UNDER SECRETARY OF STATE FOR INDIA, Telegram From Q 2245 Politieak Resident, Bushire. pass H.M. Ambassador, Bagdad. (Please/toPaiforce). Mideast, Cairo. Political Agent, Bahrain. TO Repeated No. 646 E 3484 Dated 7th April 1945. 2 9 MAY:1945 Your telegram. No, 85 April 4th met hapeated to deast. No previous intimation has been received by me of this survey between Qatar and Sharjah by United States America Army Survey mission. Pozitical Agent Bahrain is however being #equested to arrange facilities asked for. Party should contact Political Agent sahrain at Bahrain before proceeding to area. Please repeat to Political Agent Bahrain any further correspondence on subject. PRIOR CONFIDENTIAL No. 342-S Persian Gulf Residency, Bushire, 7th April 1946. Copy, with copy of Sagdad telegras No. 85 dated 4th April, forwarded with compliments to H.M. Secretary of State for India, India Office, London. Secretary to the government of India, in the External Affairs Department, New Delhi. 20, OOPY SENT TO