CONFIDENTIAL 5 Inward Telegram to Commonwealth Relations Office FROM: KARACHI RECEIVED IN ARCHIVES D: 6th January, 1961 R: 12th January, 1961 23 JAN 1961 No. 6 SAVING CONFIDENTIAL My telegram No. 215 Saving of 14th December. MASIRAH ISLAND AIRFIELD Attached is reply from Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Commonwalth Relations to our Note copy of which forwarded with telegram under reference. 2. You will see that all seems to be well. Copy to: D.II C.R.O. Mr. Redpath Mr. Butters Mr. G. Cook Mr. L.G. Perry Mr. C.R. Adlam Reg. Tels. (4) Foreign Office Mr. Bullcock ALLOTTED TO DEFENCE DEPT. CONFIDENTIAL