CONFIDENTIAL 4 25th November, 1960. GNL 45/22/22. The High Commission for the United Kingdom in Pakistan present their compliments to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Commonwealth Relations and have the honour to inform them that the United Kingdom authorities propose to carry out certain improvements to the R.A.F. airfield on Masirah, an island in the Arabian Sea forming part of the territories of the Sultan of Muscat and Oman. These works will be carried out under contract by Messrs. Richard Costain, Ltd., and involve the resurfacing and extension of existing airfield. The resurfacing is for normal maintenance purposes and the extension is being undertaken at the same time to bring the airfield up-to-date. 2. The contractors, who are responsible for engaging their own labour force, hope to recruit some 70 to 100 Pakistan nationals to begin work at Masirah early in 1961. It is possible that the Air Ministry authorities in the Persian Gulf area may also need to employ local labour in which case they too would hope to recruit Pakistan nationals. The High Commission would be grateful for confirmation that the Pakistan authorities see no objection to the recruitment of Pakistan nationals for these purposes. 3. A copy of this Note has been sent to the Protector of Emigrants, Government of Pakistan, Karachi, for information. 4. The High Commission take this opportunity to renew to the Ministry the assurance of their highest consideration. Ministry 01 Foreign Affairs and Commonwealth Relations, Government of Pakistan, KARACHI. CONFIDENTIAL