RE ARABIA GENERAL FROM My Bouton Adm) E Hene Walolen SUBJECT: Army Smugglang in the P. Gulf. Secret No. M / 38414/01 Dated a FennumReceived 23 Fennum Guertise of the Royal Navyameshirs Suspoots. • Damerala'sComments References MINUTES BA 1912/2 (60) 2دا -(ها)(ها) و3، 1 FZK SZA (6) p11955 y fear that since y wheritade this file in Aprilother tasha ham tako precedence aw the Obleyntion toread the lack op on this subject. However they caseof the nakhuda (whom we handed over to the Sultanateauthorities in July 1960) has now come up for annualrenew (2 ) this sumo the moment to deal alsowith the question g sucher used in the future. Pleasesowy termine a scherpes 651/3 (Printing Instructiops) 1bb9 (Outward Action) (ActionCompleted) (Main Indexed) J.93 57447–3