موظفو شركة نفط البحرين: زيادة كبيرة في الأجور والرواتب بأمر من الملك سعود p.4

FO 371/109945 1954
14 JAN 1954

For records of minor Communists both India and Pakistan
appear to rely on the local police.

3. It would seem that the check required is a routine police
check - not a political" check; and we think that direct
liaison between Caltex (agents of the Bahrain Petroleum
Company) and the local police forces of India and Pakistan
should meet the initial requirements. The real and continuing
responsibility for this Indian and Pakistan labour in Bahrain
must, we feel, rest on the shoulders of the Bahrain Petroleum
Company itself. Although this Company is registered in
Canada, it is an American concern in everything but the
technicality of registration, which we understand was made in
Canada simply to get round the Sheik of Bahrain's Treaty
obligations to the United Kingdom Government. Moreover, in
the case of Pakistan, we are told that the (British) Anglo Iranian Oil Company work closely with the Pakistan police,
from whom they themselves get reports on the antecedents of
the people they recruit; and it seems a reasonable assumption
that Caltex do the same. If this is the case, U.K. intervention
with the Pakistan authorities would not be likely to produce
any more efficient vetting than exists already.

Yours sincerely,