COMMONWEALTH RELATIONS OFFICE DOWNING STREET EA318 LONDON, S.W.I 11th January, 1954. F Whitehall 2323/Ext. Your Reference: Please quote in reply: PG CONFIDENTIAL Would you please refer to your letter EA 2184/2G of 27th November (copied to the Security Service) about checking the antecedents of Indians and Pakistanis seeking employment with the Bahrain Petroleum Company through the Company's agents in Bombay and Karachi. 2. We had considered, in consultation with the Security Service and our High Commissioners in Delhi and Karachi, most of the points in your letter before we wrote to Logan on 29th September, We have discussed them further with the Security Service, who say that according to their records: (i) there was no evidence of subversive organization behind the labour trouble at Bahrain which gave rise to the "vetting" question last May; (ii) the checking of the names of Indian and Pakistani recruits which has been carried out for the Anglo Iranian Oil Company against the central security records of India and Pakistan has had little or no vetting value. The Security Service have yet to hear that one adverse security trace has been found among the many hundreds of names which have been checked. The Security Liaison Officers at New Delhi and Karachi agree in finding that central security records in each country concentrate on Communist leaders who are not people likely to apply for service in overseas oil companies. C. T. Ewart Biggs, Esq., Foreign Office. For