الاتفاقية المؤقتة لتسليم المطلوبين بين تركيا والعراق p.4

FO 624/50 1931
on 28/22/250

Extract from Colonial Office despatch Confidential (A) dated the 15th. I
July, 1926 to H.B.Ms High Commissioner for 'Iraq Baghdad.


The provision in Article 9 of the Treaty for the surrender of fugitive offenders does not appear to call for any immediate amendment of 'Iraq Law since the 'Iraq Government already possesses powers under the Extradition law to carry out extradition without the prior conclusion of formal agreements.




pe 2 .
The form of the extradition treaty, which is to be made in pursuance suggestions I, should of Article 15 of the Treaty, is at present under consideration and you hope
will be furniched with instructions in this matter in due course. In.H.D.


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