الجزيرة العربية: "مقتطفات من معجم جغرافي للخليج وعُمان ووسط الجزيرة العربية" أعدّه جون غوردون لوريمر، من الخدمة المدنية الهندية p.65

FO 464/66 الأول من يناير 1908 إلى الحادي والثلاثين من ديسمبر 1915

Relations of Trucial 'Oman with Qatar, 1853–92.

For about 9 years from 1881 to 1890, almost continual warfare prevailed by War betweenland between Zāid-bin-Khalifah, Shaikh of Abu Dhabi, and Jāsim-bin
Dhabi and Lasim hin the Shaikh of
Abu Dhabi,Muhammad, the Al Thāni Shaikh of Qatar. For this state of matters a claim and the älwhich the Al Thāni Shaikh maintained to possession of Khor-al-'Odaid in Abu Thāni ShaikhDhabi territory was partly responsible; but the scene of action was at all times of Qatar,
1881-1890.so remote from the more populous part of Trucial 'Omān, that we have preferred 18to treat of the operations in connection with Qatar affairs rather than in the historyof Trucial 'Omān. The scare of an invasion from Central Arabia in 1888, alreadymentioned, was perhaps only a stratagem by which Shaikh Jāsim sought to bringabout an alliance of the other Trucial Shaikhs against his enemy Zāid.

Relations of Trucial 'Omān with the Turkish Government, 1853–92.

'Odaid affairs, described at length in the separate history of the Abu Dhabiprincipality, gave opportunities for interference in Trucial 'Omān of which theTurks did not neglect to avail themselves. In 1874 the Shaikh of Abu Dhabicomplained that the local Turkish officials in Qatar had written to him on thesubject of 'Odaid, denying his authority there; in 1875 the Turkish flag wasapparently sometimes flown at 'Odaid; and there is no doubt that a smalltribute to Turkey was paid by the 'Odaid colonists between 1873 and 1876. In1878 the Porte claimed 'Odaid as a Turkish possession and protested againstoperations for the repression of piracy which had been undertaken there by theBritish authorities a few months before. Finally, in 1889, the Wāli of Basrahaddressed the Shaikh of Abu Dhabi, urging him to submit his differences withthe Shaikh of Dohah in Qatar to Turkish arbitration; but the suggestion wasdeclined under British advice.

Relations of Trucial 'Omān with Persia, 1853–92.

In 1855, Khalīfah-bin-Sa'id, the Qāsimi Shaikh of Lingeh, being then a minorand his affairs having fallen into some disorder, Shaikh Sultān-bin-Saqar ofShārjah, who was his kinsman, assumed virtual charge of Lingeh and continuedfor some months to reside there.

Internal history of Trucial 'Omān, 1853–1892.

Political combinations without permanence, and an endless succession of petty Farlierwars by land, compose almost the whole internal history of Trucial 'Omān during events.this period. Of these meaningless occurrences down to the year 1870 only twoneed be signalised.
At the end of 1857 an attack was made by the Shaikh of Abu Hail, a dependent 1857of the Shaikh of Shārjah, on an encampment of the Mazārī' tribe at Kawānīj andresulted in the death of four Mazārī', one of whom was a Shaikh; the Abu Hailforce, 150 strong, regained their homes the same night with a quantity of bootyincluding two horses and 30 camels. As the Shaikh of Shārjah declined to makerestitution to the Mazārī', the Shaikh of Dibai, under whose protection the Mazāri'were, obtained the help of the Shaikh of Abu Dhabi against him; and in Marchit was announced that Sharjah had been defeated. A reconciliation of the partieswas then effected by the Residency Agent at Shārjah.
A campaign by the Shaikh of Abu Dhabi against the Shaikh of Shārjah 1868.in April 1868 was rendered memorable by an unusual incident, for Zāid-binKhalīfah, advancing in front of his troops, challenged his enemy, Khālid-binSultān, to meet him in single combat. The proposal having been accepted, thechallenger inflicted on his antagonist a wound which quickly proved mortal.
In 1869 the town of Rās-al-Khaimah and its dependencies became a separate Separation ofShaikhdom under Hamaid-bin-'Abdullah, a nephew of the ruling Shaikh of Rās-al-KhaiShārjah, and so continued until his death in 1900.
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Shārjah 1869.48533
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