إلغاء الرق في قطر، طلب السعودية عودة الرقيق الهاربين، احتجاج سلطان عُمان على تجارة الرقيق في البريمي. عدم وجود إلغاء رسمي للرق في الإمارات المتصالحة. رمز EA‏ ملف 2181 p.7

FO 371/98464 1952
(Draft) Ala'n on slavery

Whereas slavery is forbidden in all the civilised
countries of the world, the practice of it being contrary to
the principles of human dignity and social justice.
And whereas it is our intention to ensure an equitable social
system of life to all our subjects, We, Ali bin Abdullah bin Jasim
al Thani, Ruler of Qatar hereby proclaim that -
1. Slavery shall be abolished in all territories under our

jurisdiction as from the 10th day of April, 1952 (corres ponding with 16th Rajab 1371).
Before the 10th day of April 1952 (corresponding with 16th
Rajab 1371) any owner of a slave or slaves may produce the
same before us and compensation will be paid for each such
person, according to our discretion, provided that we are

satisfied that he or she is in fact a slave.
3. It shall be an offence after the 10th day of April 1952

(corresponding with 16th Rajab 1371) to place any constraint
upon any person on the grounds that he is a slave or to
employ any person as a slave against his will or to continue

to hold in slavery any person previously a slave.
4. It is an offence to buy, sell, import, export, give, receive

as a gift, or in any way dispose of or be a party to the
disposal of any person as a slave or any person whom by that

transaction it is intended should become a slave.
5. No Court established under our jurisdiction shall, after the

10th day of April 1952 (corresponding with 16th Rajab 1371)
entertain any civil suit in which any claim is made or
obligation alleged on the grounds that one of the parties is

a slave.

6. Any person committing an offence under this proclamation

shall be punished.