1 E EASTERN DEPARTMENT E 1949 13993 ARABIA Registry Number 313993/13993/91 FROM Sir R. Hay, Draft "Bahrain Customs Ordinance". BAHRAIN to Mr. Stewart. No. 164/3/48. Refers to Commonwealth Relations Office letter No. Ext. 2182/ 47 of 3rd November, 1947 Dated 21st October Received in Registry , 30 th October. attached Last Paper (Minutes.) A References uu eww that the (Print) (How disposed of) wwww 9 nearen why the chaft Castaner Adinance shanlal und der apprend to persons reljeet to thee in C. premsara 68363 Dreate & Customs is always a Enpran abhainted with the aphrwal bring. rdo of me grener, las. Bustoms afin (not fully undudand the last mit from mostupan unten of prona 3rd sie & Hans 4 I affians that meet recomenda le aschelied wat is not satisfied that the pionen for afterale is alleman. , ochen hegal tamin may fechape con comment Ryd E 15994 engan qht litlu that the Aamann (Index) (Action completed) to A 2010/10 Next Paper Lugd. Along Augen 34967