IBASSADE VAN HET KONINKRIJK DER NEDERLANDEN =6 FEB 1961 ROYAL NETHERLANDS EMBASSY Bletoni London, 2nd February, 1961. No. 2479... As you may remember I approached you towards the end of December on the question of sharing in the costs of maintenance of light houses in the Red Sea on which details have been asked by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at The Hague. I understood from you at the time that a Brit ish Commission had gone to the Red Sea area to inspect the various light houses and make a report on their condition. I should be grateful if you could let me know whether as a result of this inspection the British Government are considering to propose a new arrange ment for the sharing of costs. (A. Mansvelt) First Secretary of Embassy D.J. Wyatt, Esq., Arabian Department, Foreign Office, London, S.w.l.