ARABIA FROM Sin B. Burrows, Bahrain Oil supplies to Israel. King Saud is to make a statement calling upon all Persian Gulf States nor to allow their oil to be sent to Israel. No. Dated 468. April 15 Received in April 15. Registry-- References to former relevant papers MINUTES Mr Falle has ascertained from the Ministry of Fuel and Power that the oil is in fact Persian oil from Bandar Mashur. 2. After discussing this telegram with me yesterday, Eastern Departments.P.Department and News Department to draw the attention of the B.B.C. to the advisability of not making too much about the shipments of oil to Eilat. News Department have so spoken and see no objection to our telling Sir B. Burrows, for his own information. 3. I submit a draft telegram. (Print) 126973 Aureme (P. H. Laurence.) April 16, 1957. (How disposed of) Eastern Department first. (Action completed) (Index) References to later relevant papers M4335 50830