كيبل آند وايرلس كومباني المحدودة: الامتيازات في الخليج p.3

FO 371/109894 1954

The policy of Cable and Wireless is controlled
by the U.K. Telecommunications Board on which the
Treasury, the G. P.0., the Company and the Colonial
Office are represented. A representative from the
C.R.O. serves on the Board as and when required.

2. I learn from Mr. Loveli, E.T.E., G.P.O. that the
policy of the Company is to withdraw from their
telephone concessions (they are for example in the
process of giving up their telephone concessions in
Peru and Cyprus) which require considerable capital
outlay with no foreseeable profit and to concentrate
on their international telecommunications activities.
I submit that we should send a copy of this despatch
to Mr. Wolverson, G. P.O. and suggest a meeting between
representatives of the G. P.0., Eastern Department
and General Department. This meeting could serve,
if necessary, as a preliminary to a meeting with
representatives of Cable and Wireless and/or the
Treasury. 1. The Foreign Office attitude should
perhaps be that the Gulf should be treated as a
special case in view of H.M.G. 's responsibilities
in that area and that the Company should make a
special effort to retain and develop both telephone
and telegraph activities there.


(J. Hammond)

June 8, 1954.
Draft to Mr. Wolverson, E.T.E., G.P.O.
Mr. Peck.
