تطوير مصائد الأسماك في كوادر p.2

FO 371/109886 1954




Received in



Gibson) and

If the Sultan knew about the proposed lease of Gwadur
to the Pakistanis, and if he were in favour of it, I
imagine he would not bother about making plans for
developing Gwadur.



2. The Pakistanis have objected to these schemes in the
past and are likely to 80 again. If they take over
Gwadur, they will want to do all the development of the
fisheries themselves. They will be inclined, therefore,
to cancel any arrangements which the Sultan may have
made and substitute their own.

(How disposed of)

3. It does not seem quite fair to the Sultan to
encourage him now to develop Gwadur when we will
probably be encouraging him to lease it to the Pakistanis
in the near future.

4. I suggest that we should tell Bahrain to give the
Sultan the information which he has asked for about the
firm. They can hardly avoid doing this. But we should
also tell them not to encourage him at the moment over
this plan.

5. We should do all that we can to speed up the
question of the lease so that we can broach it to the
Sultan as soon as possible.



July 12, 1954