- Draft Ordinare e for the Ruler of Dubai which can be modified for use by other Rulers The Dubai Firearms and Arnrmunition Ordinance In this Ordinance "firearms includes shotguns, rifles revolvers - ad aukmatie weduws on kaebuse aidata pistols (or any parts thereof, **Ammunition" includes any parts thereof. Any person subject to my jurisdiction who, within the territories of the State of Dubai or within the territories of any other trucial state on publication by Her Majesty's Political Agent of a notice the t the Ruling Shaikh of that state has prohibited such traffic (a) manufactures any firearms or ammunition, (b) imports any firearms or anmunition without a permit issued by Her Mahesty's Political Agent, (c) commits a breach of any condition as to the sale, custody or inspection of stocks of arms or ammunition which Her Majesty's Political Agent in his discretion may attach to a permit to import, shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable to imprisonment for a period not exceeding one year or to a fine not exceeding Rs.2000 or to both and to the confis cation of the firearms or ammunition in connexion with which the offence has been committed. No permit to import arms or armunition will be issued by Her Majesty's Political Agent to any person subject to my Jurisdiction unless the application is accompanied by a written recommendation from me. This Ordinance may be cited as "The Dubai Arms and Ammunition Ordinance, 1954". 4. RULER OF DUBAI