الحدّ من انتشار الأسلحة في الإمارات المتصالحة p.3

FO 371/109879 1954




May 22, 1954.

Dear Department,

We have recently been considering the problem of
controlling the movement of firearms in the Trucial States.

2. To this end, Judge Haines has drafted an Arms Ordinance
which we propose to put to the Ruler of Dubai, and, later,
to the other Rulers, and a Queen's Regulation to apply the
Ordinance to our jurisdiction. We enclose both.


We have two suggested amendments to put forward:


That the words in Clause 2 after "any other
Trucial State" to "(a) manufacture any firearms"
be omitted, thus giving the Ruler of Dubai free dom of action to deal with subjects of his who
contravene the Ordinance in any other Trucial

(ii) That the wording of Clause 3, which might be taken

to imply that the Political Agent was bound legally
by the Ruler's A'lan, should be changed to read
"Her Majesty's Political Agent has agreed that...."

4. We should be glad if you would consider these drafts
and our suggested amendments: if you approve of them we
shall put them to the Ruler of Dubai and suggest that he
applies the A'lan to his territories. We shall then be
able to apply the Queen's Regulation.

Yours ever,

Eastern Department,

Foreign Office,