LR (Security Grading-to be Up-graded where Appropriate) ONEIDENTIAL igoo RESEARCH DEPARTMENT LR 6/10 MIDDLE EAST SUBJECT: FROM FOMmule Middletant Section The Machinery of Inter - Arab Cooperation - No. Dated Mar 23 Encloses Copy of : References and Relevant Papers : Received Hara3 144 (Outward Action) See MINUTES within E 342 dro) Heach of Clancaris Amman Baghdad Beint Cairo amasens Teden Kuwait Khartoum Tripoli Tunis Algiers Rabat som detalles ..) Aenfazi ?/ . Chy, beidet, Khartoum, from IRD. 4/10 9882/06€ O 18 (Printing Instructions) (Referred to Legal Adviser) (Action completed) (Main Indexed) CLOSED UNTIL 6 AUG9966 09/07 2ool