طلب نسخ عن جميع المعاهدات بين بريطانيا ومختلف دول الخليج p.7

FO 370/1679 1948
(L 6196/6196/4:05)



1st November, 1918.

Dear Secretariat,
Your telegran No.417 23rd October about treaties with Persian Gule States and oil concessions in that area.

so far as we are aurare, all the relevant treaties and agreements except one are contained in Volume XI of Aitehison's Treaties, a copy of which is srailable at the Embassy at Cairo.
The exception is the Treaty of Commerce and Navigation with the sulten o Muscat and Oman, signed at Muscat on 5th February, 1939, and a copy of this as published in Treaty Series is enclosed.

As regards oil concessions, we think you will find useful the enclosed "Survey of the 012 Resources of the Middle East."

By way of supplement to this might be added, so far as the Persian Gull is concerned:
The American Independent 011 Company have secured the concession for Kuwait's share of the Kuwait-Saudi Arabian neutral zone, and the Arabia American Oil Company are understood to have given up their concession for the Saudi half of the neutral zone, which the American Independent Oil Company are trying to obtain.

Yours evex,


British Middle East Office,
