This file contains correspondence relating to the Income Tax Amendment Decree and Tax Exemption Decree in Qatar in relation to oil production revenues. It includes Arabic and English draft copies of the decrees.
This file contains correspondence relating to the new Income Tax Law Decree in Bahrain in relation to oil production revenues. It includes draft copies of the decree.
This file contains correspondence relating to gilt-edged holdings of Kuwait Investment Board and the possiblity of Gulf States investing their surplus.
This file contains correspondence relating to UK representation in Dhofar and the possibility to build a rest house in the air force camp.
This file contains correspondence relating to the appointments of Assistant Political Agent and of Political Adviser in Abu Dhabi.
This file contains correspondence relating to visits to the Gulf by Ministers and MPs.
This file contains correspondence relating to the visit to Bahrain by President of Turkey Mr Bayar.
This file contains correspondence relating to the visit to Kuwait by Mr Malayery, Persian Consul General at Basra.
This file contains correspondence relating to the proposal to establish consular representation of Portugal in Gulf States.
This file contains correspondence relating to the extension of 1947 Civil Air Agreement between Muscat and UK.
This file contains correspondence relating to the Civil Air Agreement between Kuwait and UK.
This file contains correspondence relating to the Air Navigation Agreement between Bahrain and UK: refund of fuel tax.