14. Bani Ka'b
92. The tribe of Bani Ka'b (singular: Ka'bi) is thelargest single tribe living in the mountains of al-Hajarnorth of Buraimi. Most of the tribe is to be found in valleysettlements on the western watershed of the range andbetween the two main passes cutting through the mountains:Wadi al-Jizy to the south and Wadi al-Qaur to the north.Some of the tribe live as nomads in the sands north ofBuraimi.
93. Some of the many villages of Bani Ka'b werenoted in Chapter II, paragraph 79, supra. Of these Mahdhahhas the largest population and the most extensive dategroves. It is situated just outside the northeastern quadrantof the Buraimi circle on the principal motor route northfrom Buraimi. Mahdhah was the home of 'Ubaid ibnJum'ah al-Muzahimi, the paramount chief of Bani Ka'b,until he was forced to flee because of British military action.A report by Ubaid ibn Jum'ah on this action forms Annex113.
94. Bani Ka'b, like their friends of Nu'aim, have along history of co-operation with the ruling family ofSaudi Arabia and of enmity towards Al Bu Falah of AbuDhabi. 'Ubaid ibn Jum'ah, the paramount chief, and Sa'idibn Muhammad ibn Duyain, another distinguished memberof the tribe, were among the signatories of the documentwhich forms Annex 59 of this Memorial. ‘Abd Allah ibnSalim ibn Duyain, the leader of the members of the tribeliving in the village of Sharm, declared his allegiance toSaudi Arabia in the letter which constitutes Annex 64 ofthis Memorial, and two other declarations by 'Ubaid ibnJum'ah are contained in Annexes 64 and 133.