Arabia: memorial of Saudi Arabia; arbitration with Muscat and Abu Dhabi, volume 1

FO 464/37 1955 Jul 01 - 1955 Jul 31

This file contains the ‘Arbitration for the settlement of the territorial dispute between Muscat and Abu Dhabi on one side and Saudi Arabia on the other: Memorial of the government of Saudi Arabia, Volume I’. It is divided into the following sections:

  • Part 1: Introduction
  • Part 2: The geographical setting
  • Part 3: The people and the tribes
  • Part 4: Historical background relating to the disputed areas, 1765-1955
  • Part 5: The diplomatic background, 1911-1954
  • Part 6: Legal submissions of Saudi Arabia
  • Part 7: Other considerations, including the British system in the Gulf; the desires of the people; and the concept of unity
  • Part 8: Submissions with respect to the award.