No. 29 30 31 33 34 32 Admiralty.. 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 To Count Hatzfeldt .. 47 48 Minutes by Sir J. Fergusson and Mr. Kennedy To Rustem Pasha 49 50 Name. Rustem Pasha To Board of Trade To Rustem Pasla Board of Trade 61 52 53 54 55 99 93 To Board of Trade Memorandum by Mr. Warburton India Office To India Office To Rustem Pasha Board of Trade To Sir E. Baring G 00 Board of Trade To Marquis of Dufferin 40 Sir E. Baring 80 00 To Board of Trade .. Marquis of Dufferin. To Sir E. Baring eo Question in House of Commons; and answer To Sir C. Ford (also to Sir E. Baring) To India Office .. To Board of Trade .. To Sir C. Ford (also to Sir E. Baring) No. 00 00 69 :: 65 .. co 09 9t 11 Confidential 80 3 23 : 2.0 15 00 TABLE OF CONTENTS. 16 S Date. June 6, 1891 Latest phase of correspondence is contained in the notes to and from Rustem Pasha com municated to Prince Pless on the 20th February last. One of Her Majesty's vessels now engaged in a survey of an alternative route Sept. 15, 19, 22, Conversation with Rustem Pasha, and proposal that he should be asked to make some counter-proposal 23, Dec. 22, Nov. 30, 5, 24, 29, 31, Jan. 2, 1892 5, 15, 26 28, 28, Feb. 5, 10, 10, 9, 19, 21, Mar. 2, 2 3, 7, SUBJECT. Filmed Complete for P.R.O. FILM LIBRARY. -9 Informal discussion of details would be of little use without some indication of terms to which Porte would agree Survey by Her Majesty's ships "Stork" and "Rambler" would justify the adoption of the proposed new route through the southern part of the Red Sea Porte cannot accept proposal in No. 7, but have instructed him to make other proposals Sends No. 33 for consideration of proposals contained therein Acknowledges No. 33 Criticism of the Turkish proposals. If Turkey is not willing to to a satisfactory arrangement, steps should be taken to open Board are advised up the alternative route. that it would ultimately be accepted by the trade as a better one .. come Admiralty are on the point of issuing a new Chart of new route through Red Sea. Transmits advanced copy 40 Summary of action taken respecting Red Sea lights since the 4th December, 1890 What is the position of the question ? Answer las recently been received from Rustem Pasha, containing proposals which Board of Trade think unacceptable Concurs in proposal that a consultation should be held, at which the Hydrographer of the Admiralty should be asked to be present. Sends copy of No. 33 and drafts to Rustem Pasha and Lord Dufferin Observations on No. 38. Concurs in drafts transmitted above, with minor alterations De Italian Government claim jurisdiction over the sites suggested for lights by the Board of Trade? 00 A Her Majesty's Government are unable to agree to proposals contained in No. 33, and will take steps to provide an alternative route When will contribution of 10,0007. per annum out of Egyptian light dues be available? Could not some reduction be effected in Egyptian light dues even before the Powers have concluded Commercial Conventions with Egypt? 05 Ditto.. Ditto Sends printed confidential correspondence Sends No. 56 .. 08 Page 00 Will consult Sir E. Baring on the subject of No. 45 Correspondence with Italian Government. Claim by the latter to jurisdiction over sites selected by Board of Trade for lights Mr. Henniker Heaton. What steps have been taken for the rapid completion of the lighting of the Red Sea? Answer: Delay is due to excessive demands of concessionnaires Deprecates the idea of laying the question of lighting Red Sea before Egyptian Govern ment before the conclusion of the Com mercial Conventions Sends copies of further correspondence iii se 10 12 a 12 12 13 03 03 13 0. 13 15 00 15 57 17 18 00 18 18 19 19 20 20 21 21 22 23 25 25 25 25 26