No. 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 18 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 To Admiralty 21 22 Name. To Board of Trade .. To Count de Bylandt To Board of Trade To Marquis of Dufferin 26 27 Board of Trade To Rustem Pasha 28 Rustem Pasha Circular addressed to Her Majesty's Re presentatives To Sir W. White (also to Sir E. Baring) To Board of Trade To India Office Sir C. Ford Mr. Trench Admiralty.. To Sir E. Baring To Sir W. White 2 Admiralty. 90 23 24 Marquis of Dufferin 25 Sir C. Ford To Sir W. White (so to Sir E. Baring) To Sir E. Baring To Admiralty OF DO [495] es DB To Marquis of Dufferin To Admiralty Sir E. Baring Sir W. White 9. 00 00 es 90 00 Communication made by Prince Pless TABLE OF CONTENTS. No. 8. 00 00 00 00 : 08 3 0 10 22 15 16 Confidential CO 6 17 OD 8 Confidential 0. 7. 27 Jan. 2, 1891 30 Confidential 42 18 GO 00 Date. Feb. 5, 6, 6, 7, 13, 16, 21, 23, 23, 23, 26, 27, 29, 30, से 4, 13, 19, 19, 14, Mar. 2, 6, 7, 12, 12, June 3, SUBJECT. Requests that directions may be given for the completion of the southern portion of the Red Sea survey Transmits draft of note to Turkish Ambassador respecting the four lights required at the southern extremity of Red Sea Mocha shoal light is one of the four new lights now to be considered in correspondence with Rustem Pasha .. Transmits correspondence with Count Bylaudt.. Her Majesty's Government would be prepared to advise Egyptian Government to devote a certain amount of the surplus from light dues to the maintenance of a light at Guardafui. To mention the matter to Signor Crispi Concurs in draft transmitted in No. 2 0. CO 00 90 If Porte is disposed to undertake the erection of the four lights, Egyptian Government would be recommended to pay 20,000%. a-year for the service Has communicated above note to his Govern ment DO Transmits printed copies of previous corre spondence for communication to Government to which they are accredited Transmits copies of previous correspondence 04 UU 90 GO Pago Ditto.. Ditto Sends note addressed to Spanish Minister of State, transmitting copies of correspondence inclosed in No. 9 45 6 86 20 Has communicated to German Government copies of correspondence inclosed in No. 9 Survey of southern portion of Red Sea will be begun in April next Transmits Nos. 15 and 17. To communicate 00 90 them to Egyptian Government if he thinks it advisable 80 DO .. Transmits No. 15. Reasons for and against communicating it to Porte. Leaves matter to his Excellency's discretion Transmits Memorandum prepared in Foreign Office 90 Re Her Majesty's ships will be employed in April and May surveying near Assab. quests facilities from Italian authorities To request Italian Government to grant facilities asked for above Facilities asked for from Italian Government.. Does not propose to communicate to Egyptian Government papers inclosed in No. 16 Has instructed Sir A. Sandison to mention the facts contained in No. 17 to Grand Vizier Instructions have been sent in accordance with No. 20 .. Note from Minister of State, who expresses the wish to receive further information on the subject Sends No. 23 .. GO 09 80 Sir W. White has mentioned to Grand Vizier the fact that the Admiralty intend to survey the south-west region of the Red Sea Have Her Majesty's Government taken into consideration the erection of a light on Cape Guardafui? 00 2 2 CO 4 3 3 4 45 5 5 J 6 6 7 g 7 7 8 8 00 8 9 10 10 10