State Visit by King Faisal of Saudi Arabia to UK p.4

FO 372/8204 1 January 1966 - 31 December 1966

Mr. Mayall


The Saudi Arabian Ambassador called this afternoon at

my invitation and I confirmed to him formally that,

following upon King Feisal's informal acceptance of Her

Majes ty's invitation to visit this country next May, The

Queen had now sent a formal invitation.


The Ambassador said that he had had some indication

of this visit from Jedda.

He said he was absolutely

delighted, and added that, if everything went well, this

would be a wonderful climax for his mission to this country.


In the course of some discussion about the Visit, I

asked whether it was likely that Queen Iffat would also


The Ambassador regarded the idea with a certain

degree of horror and said that the Saudis "did not think in

this way".

I explained that we had felt it courteous to

include Her Majesty, but of course we would understand if

this was not according to Saudi custom.


We then discussed the organisation of the Visit, and

the Ambassador emphasised very strongly that, as King Feisal is an active, political Head of State, he would attach great

importance to serious political conversations with the

Prime Minister, the Foreign Secretary and the Secretary of

State for Defence.

I said I was quite sure that this

would also be our idea and that arrangements for these

talks should be part of the programme.
