SECRET RECEIVED IN ARCHIVES No. 1 29 NOV 1966 Ts 1251/3 Saudi-Arabian State Visit T51251 12 Please see Jedda telegram No. 651 of 22 November (attached) stating that His Majesty King Faisal accepts with great pleasure Her Majesty's informal invitation for a State Visit starting on Tuesday, 9 May, 1967. Queen Iffat has, of course, been asked but The King made no comment on her inclusion in the invitation. I submit a draft letter to Sir Michael Adeane from the Permanent Under-Secretary, containing a draft formal invitation to King Faisal from Her Majesty. Almazell (A. L. MAYALL) 25 November, 1966 Patrick Events Arabian Department )、 Private Secretary to P.U.S. Letar desper (I reclinifit of wandtekin with tw. hazell). Pro د яје SECRET