Shaikh. I think that the De cree is issued specifically in the name of Shaikh Ahmad, so it is possible that Shaikh Abdullah might prefer to revise the Decree by issuing a new and amended one in his own name. 3. The major difficulties, however, as pointed out by Mr. Ge thin, arise from the De cree No. 3 concerning entry and residence in Kuwait. In this connection I would point out that there have been certain devu. elopments over this question in Bahrain during the past summer (see papers 164/11/50 and 164/10/50), but I think the proviso made by the P.A.K. that conditions are not similar in Bahrain and Kuwait is a fair one, not only because our jurisdiction there is much less extensive but also because we have no similar provision in our Treaties with Kuwait to that under article 4 in our Treaty with Bahrain of 1861. safeguarding the entry and residence of British subjects. This De cree by the Kuwait Government covers two subjects which are certainly related but which should be kept as separate as possible, (a) the Regulations regarding the entry into Kuwait which coraprise the first three articles and (b) the Regulations regarding residence in Kuwait after arrival. As regards the former the issue of visas for entry into the Persian Gulf Shaikhooms - we are responsible presumably insofar as we conduct the foreign relations of the Shaikhdoms concerned. Although the issue of visas is left in our hands, the system has grown up in Bahrain whereby the Bahrain Government