Copy of a minute recorded by Mr. R. Mec. Andrew, on the 18th October, 1950. Mr. Gethin's first question in para 3 of his letter 233/3/50 is whether we are obliged to accept the laws issued by the Ruler even when they do not apply to persons under our jurisdiction. I think I am correct in saying that a number of Al'ans are issued by the Ruler of Bahrain without consulting us, particularly those concerned, for instance, with legal matters. It is true we would usually be consulted by the Bahrain Government as a matter of courtesy, but it seems to me that we have here a problem that permits of no cut and dried solution but is dependent upon the relations be treen the Political Agent and the Ruler. 2. I agree with Mr. Gethin that the De cree No. 2 regarding nationality does not concern us overauch. I think I detect the views of Shaikh Ahmed in this De cree as he was always keen that foreigners should be allowed to acquire Kuwaiti nationality easily, and certainly the facility with which Persians or other foreigners could acquire this nationality under articles II 4 or III is comparatively greater than in Bahrein, where guarantees of character and financial stability are called for. It is true that article Vis muddled and articles TX and XVI affect H.M.G. in such a way that it would be advisable to obtain written elarification on the se subjects from the 2 Shaikh